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2 Views · 1 month ago

Ukraine says its forces are continuing their advance into Russia's Kursk region, ten days after launching their surprise counterattack.
Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy says his government has held talks on setting up a military administration in Kursk to allow the evacuation of civilians. Kyiv said it plans to use the area as a strategic buffer zone to protect its border areas from Russian attacks.
Ukraine's cross-border advance into Russia has also renewed calls for its Western allies to drop their restrictions on how their weapons are used.

Chapter Breakdown

00:00 DW takes a look at these red lines, and how changing them might affect the situation on the battlefield.
4:36 Robert Murret, Military analyst, Syracuse University
9:14 Fabrice Pothier, Former NATO strategic policy planner
15:06 Kurt Volker, Former U.S. Ambassador to NATO under George W. Bush, Center for European Policy Analysis

#nato #redlines #russiaukrainewar

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2 Views · 1 month ago

Nasa has given an update on two American astronauts who are stuck on the International Space Station (ISS), Astronauts Sunita Williams and Barry 'Butch' Wilmore, who launched into space on 5 June for a mission expected to last eight days - they've been in space for more than two months.

The spacecraft that took them there - Boeing's Starliner – has faced technical issues which has halted their return to Earth.

Nasa officials have said the duo could be in orbit for eight months if they can't return on the Starliner.

The Starliner is still the contingency vehicle if the astronauts need to return to Earth, Nasa officials said. The astronauts could return on SpaceX's Dragon, however, Nasa said this could pose other risks.

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#nasa #space #bbcnews

2 Views · 1 month ago

Le président russe pourrait-il utiliser l'arme atomique? Que se passerait-il s'il passait à l'acte? Quelles seraient les conséquences pour la France? Quelles décisions seraient prises immédiatement par l'Otan? C'est une enquête d'Isabelle Quintard, Clément Granon et Alexandre Funel.

2 Views · 1 month ago

🔴 Une fusillade fait plusieurs blessés dans une salle de concert à Moscou. Suivez notre édition spéciale

2 Views · 1 month ago

#олегжданов #olegzhdanov #война #украина #россия #оперативнаяобстановка

Формирование штурмовых бригад «Гвардия наступления» информация на сайте по ссылке:

Карта на которой можно увидеть весь процесс войны:

00:00 вступление;
00:23 оперативная обстановка;
08:42 военно-политическая обстановка;
34:34 светомаскировка и ее необходимость;
37:31 в чем разница снаряда и ракеты;
40:41 как понимать, что есть преимущество в артиллерии и при этом не хватает техники у врага;
43:21 30 тыс. добровольцев «Гвардии наступления» это много или мало;
45:36 может рф накапливать авиацию для обороны захваченных территорий;
47:16 как убедить МО включить минометы в перечень необходимого вооружения;
48:50 может 23-24.02 сделать выходными для безопасности людей;
51:17 сможет ли коллективный запад противостоять оси зла КНДР-КНР-рф-Иран;
56:00 было ли нарушение моратория на ядерные взрывы со стороны КНДР;
57:00 при нынешнем раскладе сил в мире, каков теперь смысл жизни Путина;
01:01:10 разница в артиллерии запада и рф;
01:05:43 станет ли Китай на сторону рф;
01:09:54 пожелания, приветствия и комментарии.

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☎️ +38 093 119 29 84
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2 Views · 1 month ago

En novembre 2013, l'Ukraine renonçait à signer l'accord d'association avec l'Union européenne. Depuis, le pays est secoué par une grave crise marquée notamment par l'annexion de la Crimée par la Russie. Mais où en est l'Ukraine aujourd'hui ? Éminent spécialiste des questions stratégiques internationales, François Heisbourg revient à l'occasion de cette conférence organisée par l'Université permanente, sur les évènements de ces derniers mois et leurs conséquences.

François Heisbourg est Senior adviser pour l'Europe de l'International Institute for Strategic Studies (IISS).

#ukraine #géopolitique


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2 Views · 1 month ago

#олегжданов #olegzhdanov #война #украина #россия #оперативнаяобстановка

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Карта на которой можно увидеть весь процесс войны:

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00:14 оперативная обстановка;
21:41 военно-политическая обстановка;
49:02 ответы на вопросы;
01:16:21 комментарии, пожелания и приветствия.

Круглосуточная горячая линия для военнослужащих рф, которые хотят сдаться в плен и сохранить свою жизнь:
☎️ +38 066 580 34 98
☎️ +38 093 119 29 84
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Ссылка на видео обращение к военнослужащим ВС рф, о гарантиях и правилах сдачи в плен:

"Бавовна" бот, заходим читаем инструкцию и помогаем ВСУ (для оккупированых территорий):

Инструкция по очищению телефона (для оккупированых территорий):

2 Views · 1 month ago

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2 Views · 1 month ago

3143 most frequent english words with british sound, randomly presented.
Knowing this vocabulary will permit you to understand at least 85% of any written or spoken english text.

American english version:

The list of words is available here: (same order as in the video).

*** NEW ***

2015-12-03 - Translations available as subtitles in 35+ languages!
Enable the captions using the CC button and then choose your language in the settings menu. Do you need a language not listed here? Just leave a comment and I will create it!

► ES

3143 palabras comunes en inglés con su respectiva pronunciación con acento británico, presentadas aleatoriamente. Conocer estos términos permite comprender al menos el 85% de cualquier texto en inglés, ya sea escrito u oral.

► FR

3143 mots le plus fréquents en anglais avec leur prononciation britannique respective, présentés aléatoirement. La connaissance de ces mots vous permettra de comprendre au moins 85% de tout texte en anglais, oral ou écrit.

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2 Views · 1 month ago

The US Embassy in Russia has warned that extremist elements are planning to launch attacks on Moscow in the coming days. Countries such as the Netherlands, the UK, Canada, South Korea, and Latvia have also reiterated the US warning.

2 Views · 1 month ago

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تطورات الحرب بين روسيا و أوكرانيا

Russian Ukrainian War update
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الجيش الروسي يسيطر على ايفانيفيسكي
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2 Views · 1 month ago

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Check out my new video sharing 15 websites to do easy work from home jobs. Whether you want to make money online fast through freelancing, surveys, or other flexible side gigs, I'll give you websites where to get started.

With so many ways to work from home nowadays, you can find something that fits your skills and schedule. So watch my video if you want to earn more in 2024! I'll show you how to make money online the easy way.


These videos are for entertainment purposes only and they are just Shane's opinion based off of his own life experience and the research that he's done. Shane is not an attorney, CPA, insurance, or financial advisor and the information presented shall not be construed as tax, legal, insurance, safety or financial advice. If stocks or companies are mentioned, Shane might have an ownership interest in them. Affiliate links may be present, the offers and numbers presented may change over time so please make sure to confirm that the offer is still valid. Some offers mentioned may no longer be available or they have been changed. Please don’t make buying or selling decisions based on Shane’s videos. If you need such advice, please contact the qualified legal or financial professionals, don't just trust the opinion of a stranger on the internet and always make sure to do your own research and enjoy this family friendly content.

Sources and further readings for jobs and college degrees: of labor statistics) center for educational statistics)
payscale(provides information on jobs and degrees)

2 Views · 1 month ago

In this video, I'm covering some money earning apps that let you earn with your phone without spending money.

A lot of apps out there require investing or depositing money to earn. So in this video, I'm sharing some free earning apps to help you boost your income without spending anything! 🙂

👉 More Free Money Earning Apps

👉 More No Investment Earning Apps

👉 Best Walking Apps That Pay

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▶︎ 70+ Legit Side Hustle Ideas

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In this video, the free money earning apps I cover include:

1️⃣ Caden

This iOS app pays you for sharing your data. Just download Caden and connect different apps to it and begin earning passive income for free.

2️⃣ Receipt Jar

This money earning app pays you to upload shopping receipts. You can upload receipts from almost any store too. Cash out with gift cards or PayPal payments.

3️⃣ WeWard

WeWard is a popular fitness app that pays you for walking and sharing your data. You can also earn by playing games and answering surveys.

4️⃣ Rental Apps

Some of the best money earning apps without investment let you rent out assets you already own to people in your city. Turo, Airbnb, Fat Lama, SpotHero, and Rent My Wardrobe are just a few examples.

5️⃣ Prograd

Prograd is a new discovery rewards site that helps you find the best side hustles. You can also earn by completing different educational modules.

6️⃣ Coupert

Coupert is a shopping app and extension that helps you save with coupons and cash back deals. You can also use its Earn section to make money with online surveys, games, and similar offers.

7️⃣ Five Surveys

One final free money making app without investment you can try is Five Surveys. This survey app and site pays you for sharing your opinion. Each survey pays $1, and it only takes $5 to cash out.

Hopefully, at least one of these legit money earning apps helps you make money without having to invest your own cash!

If you end up trying out an app, I'd love to know which one and how it goes! 🙂

0:00 - 0:38 Intro
0:39 - 2:19 App 1
2:20 - 3:54 App 2
3:55 - 5:39 App 3
5:40 - 7:03 App 4
7:04 - 8:30 App 5
8:31 - 10:16 App 6
10:17 - 11:38 App 7
11:39 - 12:25 Earning Potential

2 Views · 1 month ago

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The information on this YouTube channel and the resources available are for educational and informational purposes only. The content of this YouTube is not an investment advice, financial advice, trading advice or any other advice or recommendation.

AFFILIATE DISCLOSURE: This video and description may contain affiliate links, which means that if you click on one of the product links, I may receive a small commission. I won't put anything here that I haven't verified and/or personally used myself.

2 Views · 1 month ago

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Chat GPT is accessible at It works by providing specific written instructions, called prompts, and Chat GPT generates corresponding responses. This tool can be used to generate a series of responses that will yield perfectly crafted articles, guiding people back to our Temu affiliate products and ultimately generating income for you.

To start, prompt Chat GPT to brainstorm article ideas tailored to your specific niche and target audience. Make sure to input your niche into the prompt so that Chat GPT knows how to tailor its response for you. Once you've selected your niche and clicked the activation button, Chat GPT's artificial intelligence provides you with several excellent ideas for articles in just a few seconds.

Before instructing Chat GPT to write the actual article, you'll need an attention-grabbing title that will entice your ideal reader to stop and engage with your content. Prompt Chat GPT to craft a compelling title about your topic. Simply scroll back up to the previous response generated by Chat GPT, copy one of the topics it suggested, paste it into the prompt, and Chat GPT's AI will generate a list of attention-grabbing titles for you to use in your article.

Subscribe to Money Flow Academy for the latest news on How To Make Money Online, Earning Money Online, and Making Money Online in 2024 and beyond!



This video is specifically intended for educational purposes. There is no assurance that following the methods and ideas discussed in this video will result in any financial gain. I am not a financial advisor, and nothing I say on this YouTube channel should be considered as such. To get the outcomes claimed in this video, you'll need to put in a lot of effort and have some level of experience and proficiency. I'm only expressing my distorted perception based on supposition and personal experience. Always keep in mind that there is always a risk involved with investing. Before investing in anything, you should always do your due diligence. We have taken reasonable precautions and made reasonable efforts to ensure the accuracy of the material in this video, but we CANNOT guarantee that the platform(s) and company(s) referenced in this video are reliable.

2 Views · 1 month ago

If you are looking to earn an online income there are legitimate ways to make money online. One popular method is through the taka income system which allows individuals to earn money by completing tasks or providing services online. To ensure you are successful in earning a legitimate online income it is important to follow tips and guidelines provided by experts in the field. By following these tips you can establish a steady source of online income and achieve financialstability.

🌐 **Introduction to Mobile Online Income:**
Discover how your mobile phone can become a powerful tool for generating income. We'll highlight the flexibility and convenience of earning money through mobile apps and online platforms.

📱 **Top Mobile Apps for Earning in 2024:**
Explore the best mobile apps designed to help you earn money in 2024. From survey apps and cashback programs to gig economy platforms and freelance marketplaces, we'll review the top options available.

💡 **Effective Mobile Income Strategies:**
Learn proven strategies to maximize your online income using your mobile device. Whether you're freelancing, participating in the gig economy, or leveraging social media, we'll provide actionable tips to boost your earnings.

🎥 **Content Creation and Social Media:**
Monetize your creativity by creating content on platforms like YouTube, TikTok, and Instagram. We'll discuss strategies for growing your audience, partnering with brands, and earning through ad revenue and sponsorships.

💸 **Passive Income on Mobile:**
Explore ways to generate passive income using mobile apps. From investing in stocks and cryptocurrencies to participating in affiliate marketing, we'll cover methods to earn money with minimal ongoing effort.

🔒 **Ensuring Mobile Security:**
Protect your mobile earnings by following best practices for online security. We'll provide tips on securing your personal information, avoiding scams, and keeping your financial activities safe.

🔑 **Call to Action:**
Ready to start earning money with your mobile device in 2024? Subscribe to our channel for more insights, tips, and updates on the best mobile income strategies. Share this video with others who are looking to boost their online earnings using their smartphones.

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🔗 **Hashtags:**

The information available on this channel is for educational and information purpose only and make with intent to help people who want to generate some source of income. This YouTube channel does not promotes any illegal content.

2 Views · 1 month ago

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Garrett Barry


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Disclaimer: This description contains Digital links. When you sign up using an Digital link, I earn a small commission. My earnings are a result of hard work and dedication, these results are not typical.

2 Views · 1 month ago

If you want to make money online then follow this easy guide. I have been making money online full time and now you can do this method using A.I software like ChatGPT. You can even do this for free!

FREE Book: Affiliate Guide 👉

You can use ChatGPT to make money online by promoting other peoples products, this is called affiliate marketing. In this tutorial I show you how to do this step by step and I show you my earnings. I have been making $1000-1800 over the last few years. I used to write the content manually now you can use ChatGPT.

The first thing you need to do to make money online is create a free eBook using chatGPT. Once you have created the online book you will put your affiliate link into the book and give it away fro free.

Once you are ready to give the book away it's time to get traffic to make money online with ChatGPT. Use Youtube to create traffic and link your eBook in the description and affiliate links. This is how I earn money on the internet and the best part is it's free traffic.

Free Training Below
Email Automation:
Affiliate marketing:

Online Business Tools
⚙Website Hosting:
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DISCLOSURE: Some of the links here are affiliate links. This means at no additional cost to you, I may earn a commission if you click through and make a purchase.

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