
4 Views · 4 months ago

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📝Goku meets the warrior who scared even Beerus

This is fan made project which uses ZERO materials or assets from any third party. This is comprised of individual sketches/fan art of characters, narrated over by a single voice actor (GOKUI) who is telling an imaginative and completely original story. All illustrations and music used are unofficial and produced specifically for use in these fan driven videos comprised of simple illustrations, subtitles and narration. These stories involve heavily exaggerated moments which are comedic and parody the subject, with numerous jokes hidden throughout.

#dragonball #dragonballsuper #dragonballz #f #foryou #fy #fyp #foryourpage

📢All anime images and etc are registered trademarks of their respective owners. This video is not intended to distort the content of the work, but to expand.


4 Views · 4 months ago

#dragonball #goku

Roteiro/Script: Renan Roque

[PT] Surge um novo inimigo, seu nome é Zaiko (ou Xicor). Sua crueldade obriga Goku a retornar do Reino dos Dragões, lugar onde passou os últimos anos treinando. O grande poder do vilão obriga nosso herói a utilizar a sua mais nova transformação: o Super Saiyajin 5.

[EN] A new enemy appears, his name is Zaiko (or Xicor). His cruelty forces Goku to return from the Dragon Kingdom, where he spent the last few years training. The villain's great power forces our hero to use his newest transformation: Super Saiyan 5.

[ES] Aparece un nuevo enemigo, su nombre es Zaiko (o Xicor). Su crueldad obliga a Goku a regresar del Reino Dragón, donde pasó los últimos años entrenando. El gran poder del villano obliga a nuestro héroe a utilizar su nueva transformación: Super Saiyan 5.

[CH] 一個新的敵人出現了,他的名字是 Zaiko(或 Xicor)。他的殘忍迫使悟空從龍王國返回,他在那裡度過了過去幾年的訓練。惡棍的強大力量迫使我們的英雄使用他的最新變身:超級賽亞人5。

[JP] 新たな敵が出現、その名はザイコ(またはザイコール)。彼の残酷さにより、悟空はここ数年間修行を積んだドラゴン王国から帰国せざるを得なくなる。悪役の強大な力により、ヒーローは最新の変身、超サイヤ人 5 を使用することになります。

Son Goku --- Jhonathan Silva
Zaiko (Xicor) --- R.C.
"A dublagem em questão foi feita por fãs não profissionais; apenas por diversão e sem fins lucrativos".

Renan Roque

Renan Roque

Renan Roque

Instagram: http://www.instagram.com/renan_roque
Blog: http://www.RenanRoque.com.br
Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/IlustradorRenanRoque
ArtStation: https://www.artstation.com/renanroque
TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@renan_roque