
Tech Watch
4 Views · 5 months ago

Download the code: https://docs.google.com/docume....nt/d/1V9da-Arg2PTby_

Aaj ke video me ham wordpress website ke in security issues ko solve karenge

XML-RPC issue
Directory listing issue
Internal path disclosure
Server signature
SQL Injection
WordPress version
Login URL exposed
Robots.txt Disclosure
2FA unavailability

Art of fake SEO teaching: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ew1tJt04-1Q
Google My Business listing me social media links kaise jode: https://youtu.be/CzHkdNC46KY
SEO Last Month: https://youtu.be/ZZ2vJc0fbqc
1 Mahine me Google Listing Ko Top Par Kaise Laye: https://youtu.be/XqDKscV20Ek
Google Analytics - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=721eqyH8mYo&list=PLx9THvOL50-XoQsgB9LQiwQB9zBgTjwBy
Marketing & Advertising Of Restaurants - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tq8niDaC_qE&list=PLx9THvOL50-XtoJ9F_oTF5IjZpsRVnsJt

Website Security Checklist | Secure WordPress Website With Free Plugins | Website Security Tutorial
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Website Security Checklist | Secure WordPress Website With Free Plugins | Website Security Tutorial

#websitesecurity #wordpresssecurity

Tech Watch
3 Views · 5 months ago

âž¡Click the link to test out 10Web's Automated WP Platform for FREE- No Credit Card Required:https://10web.io/?utm_source=YouTube&utm_medium=Organic&utm_campaign=wordpress+security+2021

🔔 Subscribe to easily scale your agency with our expert tips, reviews, and interviews: https://www.youtube.com/user/W....ebDorado88?sub_confi
Getting hacked can be not only annoying but also dangerous for one's reputation. So if you have a WordPress website, you've probably thought about WordPress security. As a responsible website owner or manager, you must take the necessary steps toward safeguarding your data. In this video, we go over all the most common vulnerabilities threatening WordPress security and then delineate the 6 essential steps you must take to avoid becoming an easy target. Ultimately, no matter how beautiful and fast a website is, it can all disappear in a second if you don't also worry about WordPress security and regular backups.

Here are the links to the tools and software mentioned:
10Web https://10web.io/pricing/
Wordfence Security https://wordpress.org/plugins/wordfence/
Secure Password Generator https://passwordsgenerator.net/
Bitwarden https://bitwarden.com/
Here are the links to the blogs:

📒 Show notes 📒

00:00 WordPress security intro
00:28 Can a WP website be fully secure?
00:59 Key WordPress vulnerabilities
01:18 Malware
01:55 Backdoors
02:10 "Pharma hacks"
02:45 Brute-force login attempts
03:12 Malicious redirects
03:29 Cross-Site Scripting (XSS)
04:03 Denial of Service (DDos)
04:45 What can you do?
04:54 Hosting
06:34 Regular updates
07:16 Passwords
07:55 Securing admin domain
08:26 WordPress security plugins
08:58 Backups
09:47 Outro

The mission of our channel is to help agencies thrive by providing the best tips and most useful tools of the WordPress world. 👌 This video will help you learn more about common WP vulnerabilities and take the necessary steps to secure your WordPress website, safeguard your website visitors' data, and earn their trust 😊

🎥 What should you watch next? Check out some of our other interviews and reviews:

Are you on a budget? Here's a list of the cheapest WP hostings that are also good:
âž¡ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ls5FIcL3akw

What does it take to build a sales funnel that works? Here's our interview with Adam Erhart that'll shed some light on this topic:
âž¡ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Uj0q0q0znkI

Which WordPress security plugin do you use now? Has your website ever been hacked? Let us know in the comments down below!

#10Web​​ #wordpresssecurity #websitesecurity