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Bible teaching girls oral sex, witchcraft جديدة لتعليم الفتيات عن الجنس عن طريق الفم و السحر و زواج

14 Views· 08/18/24
9 Subscribers

New Bible teaching young girls about oral sex and testing being Gay... Does your Daughter have one of these?

Many of the World's Churches are using these books and have a new breed of Apostles, many following Miles Monroe edifying themselves equal to and even better than biblical Apostles and even above Jesus Christ come in the flesh, as gods!!!...Preaching prosperity and witchcraft, babbling unknown tongues through their lips speaking great WORDS AGAINST the most high! Many teaching that Myles Monroe, Rod Parsley etc. and even Benny Hinn are god's and IDOLs, shame on them all... You Pastors ought to be telling the people Jesus Christ is about to take his BRIDE , Witches use CIRCLES, the Philistines used CIRCLES Steve Reyme at LOGOS International and some of Suriname's false apostles even USE CIRCLES. The Zodiac is a circle of beasts, they circled Christ when he was on the earth. Witchcraft is now flooded into the Churches, they get you to run CIRCLES around the church, let you spin circles dancing OUT OF CONTROL, these circles and Slaying you in the spirit (calling it FIRE) is in the aim of destroying the true Christ to usher in the Antichrist! The REAL Holy Spirit is FULL SELF CONTROL, not Violent gestures, shaking and convulsions! Evil comes out of a circle (many of your pastors mouths) rising up out of their pits! The running in circles summons up familiar spirits through false prophets in some of your local churches doings. Many of these men are WITCHES performing WITCHCRAFT... The devil is using many of your pastors to ALTER TIME... WITCHES use Circles, witches use FIRE witches use AIR, EARTH and WATER. When they try to SLAY (KILL your spirit of the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob) you in the spirit, they throw WATER at you, tell you the FIRE of the Holy Spirit is falling on you, Blow AIR at you to SLAY you and get you to DANCE (stomp the earth) in GOD'S house. International & many SURINAME APOSTLES ARE Practicing WITCHCRAFT (unannounced to many of them)! Most and shortly ALL of these churches will be teaching you that using circles by drawing and building them telling you they are for WORSHIP? And taking your MONEY (what is freely received from the real Jesus is FREELY GIVEN! Tithing is a DOCTRINE OF DEMONS not for our time and ALWAYS went ONLY to the Levite Priests..Jews) after seducing you with familiar spirits! When you get to the center of their circles they will tell you to pick up a stone or object there.....they want you to open the portal of your soul to DESTROY the word of God!
Galatians 3:1
O foolish Galatians, who hath bewitched you, that ye should not obey the truth, before whose eyes Jesus Christ hath been evidently set forth, crucified among you?
Daniel 7:25 And he shall speak great words against the most High, and shall wear out the saints of the most High, and think to change times and laws: and they shall be given into his hand until a time and times and the dividing of time.
2 Kings 20:9
And Isaiah said, This sign shalt thou have of the Lord, that the Lord will do the thing that he hath spoken: shall the shadow go forward ten degrees, or go back ten degrees?

Pride goeth before a great fall... DON'T FALL for what these men try to teach you, it's DOCTRINES OF DEMONS, WITCHCRAFT opening the doorway to HELL.. That's the purpose, to open the door. There are only 2 religions, True Bible believers and WITCHCRAFT. WAKE UP God's children!

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