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Dr Arikana Powerful Revolutionary Speech on front of Captain Traore Shocks the World

39 Views· 08/15/24
9 Subscribers

Ambassador Dr Arikana Chihombori Quao visiting Burkina Faso President Captain Dr Ibrahim Traore.
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consciousmind 5 months ago

Kings and Queen, we seem to be missing the cause of Africa. The problem is waiting for a great leader like in the past great leaders.
The difference is they came out of the gutter like Captain Traore, The one we are getting is university people without the practically of life in their society of a upper class system.

With that, it is said that two brains are better than one. Three is even better to solve any situation.
Almost every leaders can be bought out easily and that human nature to look after your family long-term financial and that can't compare to the small salary they are given to serve their people.
That why the political system don't work with the one leader concept, especially when you have many tribes with different cultures is a formula to always having wars and betrayal to sell out your own people.
Thay why three elected leaders is the best option in my opinion of The Tri State, Regional, City and Rual villages Council will benefit Africa the best longterm to uplift the people's.
The system of the Two party system of having an opposition is very childish of tearing down what the other party did before they were removed from power. They should be on the same team working to uplift the country together.
Is something we all have to talk and share about to create changes at home and aboard.

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