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Worship Guitar - 100 Beautiful Hymns - Instrumental - Peaceful Gospel Music

4 Views· 09/06/24
9 Subscribers
In Music / Gospel

100 of the most beloved Hymns of All Time played on Acoustic Guitar. Nearly 5 hours of beautiful praise and worship music. Traditional favorites played in a peaceful and pure style with no interruptions. Let the Spirit of God renew your peace and hope as you listen to these timeless classics.

Played by Christian Fingerstyle Guitarist Josh Snodgrass. -Fingerstyle guitar is a technique that involves playing melody and chords at the same time on a guitar similar to a piano player.

This playlist is ideal for background music during Bible study, prayer, devotional reading, rest and meditation on God's Word.

This music is available on Apple Music, iTunes, Spotify, Pandora and other digital outlets.

Please help my ministry by subscribing to my YouTube channel: https://www.youtube.com/user/p....revailingwords?sub_c

You can purchase my CDs or download my music at my website: http://www.joshsnodgrass.com/store

Your support helps me to record more music. Even just a small donation makes a big difference. You can make a tax deductible donation here: https://www.joshsnodgrass.com/support

Learn to play my Fingerstyle Guitar versions of popular hymns on guitar with tab: http://www.joshsnodgrass.com/lessons

0:00:00 It is Well with My Soul
0:03:50 All the Way My Savior Leads Me
0:07:20 I Surrender All
0:11:17 For the Beauty of the Earth
0:14:10 Great is Thy Faithfulness
0:17:44 Rock of Ages Cleft for Me
0:20:35 Sweet Hour of Prayer
0:24:26 My Jesus I Love Thee
0:27:39 Jesus Paid it All
0:30:55 Come Thou Fount of Every Blessing
0:35:30 He Leadeth Me
0:37:56 I'd Rather Have Jesus
0:40:36 To God Be the Glory
0:43:34 Be Still My Soul
0:46:59 Blessed Assurance
0:49:21 Be Thou My Vision
0:52:13 All Creatures of Our God and King
0:55:08 Leaning on the Everlasting Arms
0:58:26 Fairest Lord Jesus
1:01:10 Crown Him with Many Crowns
1:03:15 O Worship the King
1:05:54 Blessed Be the Name
1:08:52 All Hail the Power of Jesus Name
1:11:23 The Solid Rock
1:13:21 The Love of God
1:17:24 Trust and Obey
1:20:22 More About Jesus
1:23:44 Blessed Redeemer
1:26:43 This Little Light of Mine
1:28:56 The Sweet By and By
1:31:15 When We All Get to Heaven
1:34:20 Are You Washed in the Blood
1:36:48 God is So Good
1:38:55 Pass Me Not O Gentle Savior
1:42:13 When the Roll is Called Up Yonder
1:44:16 This is My Father's World
1:47:14 Praise to the Lord, the Almighty
1:49:44 Have Thine Own Way Lord
1:53:04 Our God Reigns - By Lenny Smith http://www.newjerusalemmusic.com/
1:55:39 O How I Love Jesus
1:59:42 Count Your Blessings
2:01:58 Amazing Grace
2:04:30 Power in the Blood
2:07:15 Holy, Holy, Holy
2:09:49 Turn Your Eyes Upon Jesus
2:11:46 Tis So Sweet to Trust in Jesus
2:14:41 Revive Us Again
2:17:15 There is a Fountain
2:19:45 The Lily of the Valley
2:22:45 At Calvary
2:25:28 Love Divine All Loves Excelling
2:28:25 Faith is the Victory
2:21:50 Praise Him, Praise Him
2:34:45 Precious Lord, Take My Hand
2:37:15 My Faith Has Found a Resting Place
2:40:32 Man of Sorrow, What a Name
2:43:19 Down to the River to Pray
2:45:27 Tune: Beach Spring (Hymn known by many titles)
2:48:50 Christ the Lord is Risen Today
2:51:50 Farther Along
2:55:15 Footsteps of Jesus
2:59:17 Grace Greater than All Our Sin
3:02:43 He Hideth My Soul
3:05:39 Heavenly Sunshine
3:08:51 When I Survey the Wondrous Cross
3:11:44 The Church's One Foundation
3:14:38 Softly and Tenderly
3:18:01 I Have Decided to Follow Jesus
3:19:48 In the Garden
3:22:56 Nothing but the Blood
3:25:15 Doxology
3:27:40 Give Me Jesus
3:29:40 I am Resolved
3:31:45 Take My Life and Let it Be
3:34:25 I Need Thee Every Hour
3:37:16 Abide With Me
3:40:11 At the Cross
3:43:26 Angle Band
3:46:11 Higher Ground
3:49:12 How Firm a Foundation
3:52:51 I Love Thee
3:55:54 I Shall Not Be Moved
3:58:07 Jesus Loves Me
4:00:06 Just a Closer Walk with Thee
4:02:56 Lift Up Your Head Ye Mighty Gates
4:04:32 Like a River Glorious
4:07:32 Lord, I'm Coming Home
4:11:42 Love Lifted Me
4:14:44 A Mighty Fortress
4:17:08 Old Time Religion
4:18:53 Onward Christian Soldiers
4:22:58 Stand Up for Jesus
4:26:01 What a Friend We have in Jesus
4:29:41 Praise Him, Praise Him
4:32:36 Make Me a Blessing
4:35:41 Joyful, Joyful We Adore Thee
4:38:53 Jesus Keep Me Near the Cross
4:42:27 Just as I Am
4:44:38 All Glory Laud and Honor
4:46:58 Low in the Grave He Lay
4:49:34 Headin' Up to Glory

All of the hymns in this video have their compositions in the public domain with the exception of Our God Reigns (By Lenny Smith - http://www.newjerusalemmusic.com/) and "Headin' Up to Glory". My recordings and guitar arrangements are copyrighted as is this video. To sum it up, that means that you can record yourself making recordings of public domain compositions without copyright issues but you can't use my recordings of these songs without permission. If you have interest in using my music, email me: https://www.joshsnodgrass.com/contact

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