
6 Views · 5 months ago

Spain Arrests Top Cop After $21 Million Found in Walls of His House  | Vantage With Palki Sharma

Spain has arrested a top cop after $21 million was found inside the walls of his home. Until recently, Oscar Sanchez was the head of fraud and anti-money laundering division in the Spanish police. Now, he has been arrested in a fraud case as part of an investigation into Spain's biggest cocaine bust.


Spain | Cop | Arrest | Oscar Sanchez | Police | Fraud | Firstpost | World News | News Live | Vantage | Palki Sharma | News

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6 Views · 6 months ago

Demonstrators threw debris at police as fires burned around the main airport of the French island of Martinique on Thursday night in the latest bout of unrest over rising living costs. Subscribe to Guardian News on YouTube ► http://bit.ly/guardianwiressub

The protests disrupted flights at the airport, which were redirected to the neighbouring French island of Guadeloupe, the local administration said. It added that it was banning public gatherings until Monday and banning the purchase of products that could be used for arson attacks

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#martinique #martiniqueprotests #protests #police