Frenemies with Benefits: The Politics of Funding Activism
As grantmakers, governments, foundations, and corporations wield a great deal of influence in the current human rights and technology sector. What are the positive and negative aspects of this influence? How are decisions made around priorities for funding, and how do the power dynamics of funding affect choices? How does the traditional model of funding activism engage with networked activism which relies on individual participation and distributed resources?
Global Voices co-founder Rebecca MacKinnon will moderate this panel of experts speaking on the politics of funding activism in Egypt, Cuba, Ethiopia and Central Asia.
Rebecca MacKinnon
Director, Ranking Digital Rights, New America Foundation
Ellery Roberts Biddle
Advox Editor, Global Voices
Mohamed ElGohary
Board Member, Global Voices Online
Niels ten Oever
Head of Digital, Article19
Ivan Sigal
Executive Director, Global Voices
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