Pressures, Tests & Challenges đ Prophetic Guide To The End Times, Pt 3 - Derek Prince
Derek Prince Sermons: Prophetic Guide To The End Times. This is an original Bible Study, teaching by Derek Prince. Are you perplexed or fearful as you contemplate the chaotic, threatening world around us? This series on biblical prophecy will equip you for all that lies ahead.
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00:00 The end times will be like the days of Noah
11:55 The importance of being watchful
19:44 Why pastors need to proclaim Jesus' coming
28:39 Should Christians drink alcohol?
34:24 Types of people who'll go to hell
40:39 The parable of The Ten Virgins
49:43 Why you need to use your God-given talents
01:01:43 When nations turn against Israel
01:15:31 The Jewish people during the Great Tribulation
Table of Contents:
II. Matthew 24: 14â44 (contâd.)
Q. v. 36âThe day known only to God the Father (compare Mark 13: 32; Matt. 25: 13)
We may recognize times and seasonsâbut we cannot know the day (1 Thess. 5: 1â3)
R. v. 37â39âDays of Noah and Lot (compare Luke 17: 26â30)
Noah: (Gen. 6: 1â12)
1. Satanic infiltration
2. Corrupted thought-life
3. Sexual perversion
4. Violence
Lot: (Gen. 19: 4â5)
5. Blatant, aggressive homosexuality. Both:
6. Materialism (Luke 17: 26â30; 21: 34)
But Noah:
7. Walked with God (Gen. 6: 9; compare Heb. 11: 7)
S. v. 40â41âSudden, final separation of believers from unbelievers (compare
Luke 17: 34â35)
T. v. 42â44âNeed for continual watchfulness (compare Mark 13: 32â37)
III. Matthew 24: 45â25: 46âFour Categories Of People Impacted By Christâs Return
A. v. 45â51âPastors/Elders/Overseers/Ministers (compare 1 Pet. 5: 1â4)
1. v. 45â47âAppointed over household and approved
a. Need to be faithful and wise
b. Appropriate food at proper time
c. Praised and promoted in Christâs kingdom
2. v. 48â51âEvil alternative
a. Not looking forward to Christâs return
b. Dominating
c. Self-indulgent
d. Taken by surprise
e. Cut in two
f. Judged as a hypocrite
3. Weeping and gnashing of teethâcompare:
a. Matt. 8: 12âsons of kingdomâJews vs. Gentiles
b. Matt. 13: 42âtares vs. wheat
c. Matt. 22: 13âguest without garment
d. Matt. 25: 30âone talent servant
e. Luke 13: 28âate and drank, heard His teaching
All came very close, but never qualifiedâno commitment
B. 25: 1â13âTen virgins
1. ? Represent general congregation of believers (compare Rev. 19: 9)
2. In Judaism 10 is the minimum congregation
3. All
a. Expected the bridegroom
b. Had lamps and oil (the Holy Spirit)
c. Slumbered
4. Only one difference: amount of oil (compare Eph. 5: 18)
a. Oil had to be bought (compare Rev. 3: 18)
b. Buying = prayer, Bible reading, waiting on God . . .
C. 25: 14â30âServants with talents
1. v. 15âAccording to abilityâtest of stewardship (compare 1 Cor. 4: 1â2)
2. v. 15â23âFirst and second each gained 100%
a. Equal commendation
b. Faithful more important than successful
c. Rewarded with corresponding authority in Christâs kingdom
3. v. 24â30âLessons from third servant:
a. Love, not fear, is the right motive (compare John 14: 21, 23)
b. Laziness is wickedness
c. Deposit with bankers = invest in anotherâs ministry
d. Not to use is to lose
e. Final, eternal rejection
f. Weeping and gnashing
4. Luke 19: 12â27âCompare parable of the minas
a. Each of ten servants received one mina
b. One gained 10 minasââWell done, good servantââauthority over 10
c. One gained 5 minasâno commendationâauthority over 5 cities
d. One gained nothingââWicked servantââmina taken away
e. Luke 19: 27âJesusâas Judgeâsupervises execution
Judgment Seat of Christ (2 Cor. 5: 10)
D. 25: 31â46âSheep vs. goat nations
1. Three categories: (1 Cor. 10: 32)
a. Jews
b. Gentiles
c. Church
2. Principles of blessing and judgment
a. God blesses Jews directâGentiles through Jews
b. God judges Gentiles directâJews through Gentiles
3. Separate judgment for each
a. Church before judgment seat of Christ (2 Cor. 5: 10; compare Rom.
(1) Not for condemnation (John 3: 18; 5: 24; compare Rom. 8: 1)
(2) But for assessment of service (1 Cor. 3: 11â15)
b. Jews during great tribulation (compare Ezek. 20: 32â38; Hos. 2: 14â15)
c. 25: 31â46âGentiles before throne of Christâs gloryâsheep vs. goats
(1) Basis of judgment: How they have treated the Jews (Joel 3: 1â2)
(a) Indicates worldwide anti-Semitism
(b) Israel already the focus of world media, U.N. debates
(2) Sheep into Christâs kingdom on earth
(3) Goats into everlasting fire
(4) Both life and punishment are eternal
d. All three categories: All those who were rejectedâwhat did they do?
Answer: Nothing!âcompare James 4: 17
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